Audio Bible

4 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 61 2 Peter
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of 2 Peter:

With his death impending, Peter writes the churches, exhorting them to follow the Word of God, identify and avoid false teachers, and live in holiness as they await the second coming of Christ.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

8 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 54 1Timothy
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of 1Timothy:

Timothy, the pastor of the church in Ephesus, is the recipient of this letter from Paul. A pastor must be qualified spiritually, be on guard against false doctrine, pray, care for those in the church, train other leaders, and above all faithfully preach the truth.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

3 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 52 1Thessalonians
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of 1Thessalonians:

Paul reviews the start of the church in Thessalonica, and he commends them for their steadfast faith. Believers are encouraged to live pure lives and to maintain the hope that Jesus will return. When Christ comes again, He will resurrect believers who have died and will rapture those still living to be with Him forever. The Day of the Lord is coming, which will result in the judgment of this world.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

5 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 62 1John
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of 1John:

God is light, love, and truth. Those who truly belong to Christ will seek fellowship with His redeemed; walk in the light, not in darkness; confess sin; obey God’s Word; love God; experience a decreasing pattern of sin in their lives; demonstrate love for other Christians; and experience victory in their Christian walk.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

2 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 50 Philippians
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of Philippians:

Writing this letter from a Roman prison, Paul thanks the church in Philippi for the love gift they had sent him. The gospel of Christ is advancing in the world, despite hardship, and Christians can rejoice in that. We are urged to humble ourselves as Christ did, be unified, and press toward the goal of pleasing the Lord in all things.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

3 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 51 Colossians
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of Colossians:

Despite what false teachers might claim, Jesus Christ is the Savior, Lord, and Creator of all things. In Him, all believers are made alive and complete; they need not submit themselves to manmade regulations or the mandates of the Old Testament law. The new life we have in Christ will affect our relationships with spouses, parents, children, masters, and servants.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

7 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 59 James
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of James:

In this very practical book, James shows what faith lived out looks like. True, saving faith will affect our prayer life, our words, our response to trials, and our treatment of others.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

4 Views · 11 months ago

Beloved Poirot actor, David Suchet, reads the Psalms and other poetry from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

The New International Version is the world's most popular modern English Bible translation. Developed by Biblica, formerly the International Bible Society, the New International Version is the result of years of work by the Committee on Bible Translation, overseeing the efforts of many contributing scholars. The translators are drawn from a wide range of denominations and from various countries and they continually review new research in order to ensure the NIV remains at the forefront of accessibility, relevance and authority.

I do not own this audiobook and have no right to the copyright: monetisation is disabled and this is for a non-profit cause: the spreading of the Bible.

7 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 12 2Kings
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of 2Kings:

Elijah is translated to heaven, and Elisha takes his place as God’s prophet in Israel. Jehu becomes Israel’s king and wipes out the wicked family line of Ahab. In Judah, Ahab’s daughter becomes queen and attempts to kill all of David’s heirs, but she fails. Wicked kings rule in both nations, with the exception, in Judah, of a few reformers such as Hezekiah and Josiah. Israel’s persistent idolatry finally exhausts God’s patience, and He brings the Assyrians against them to conquer the people of Israel. Later, God brings the Babylonians against Judah as a judgment, and Jerusalem is destroyed.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

5 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 14 2Chronicles
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of 2Chronicles:

This book covers much the same material as 1 and 2 Kings, with an emphasis on David’s dynasty in Judah. The book begins with the construction of the temple under Solomon, and it ends with the destruction of the temple by the Babylonians, with a proclamation, in the last few verses, that the temple would be rebuilt.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

1 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 07 Judges
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of Judges:

Joshua dies, and, almost immediately, the people begin to turn away from the God who had blessed them. Rather than driving out all the land’s inhabitants, they allow some of the Canaanites to survive, and the Israelites begin to worship the gods of the Canaanites. True to the terms of the covenant, God sends enemies to oppress His people. The suffering they endure causes them to repent, and God responds by sending leaders to rally the people and defeat the enemies, bringing peace to the land again. This cycle is repeated several times over a span of about 300 years.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

1 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 3 Leviticus
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of Leviticus:

The Israelites arrive at the border of Canaan, the land God had earlier promised to Abraham. But the people following Moses refuse to enter the land, due to their lack of faith and their fear of Canaan’s inhabitants. As a judgment, God consigns the Israelites to wandering in the wilderness for 40 years, until the unbelieving generation passes away and a new generation takes their place. God sustains His rebellious people with miraculous provisions throughout their time in the wilderness.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

6 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 16 Nehemiah
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of Nehemiah:

About 14 years after Ezra’s arrival in Jerusalem, Nehemiah, the king’s cupbearer in Persia, learns that the walls of Jerusalem are in a state of disrepair. Nehemiah travels to Jerusalem and oversees the construction of the city walls. He is opposed by enemies of the Jews, who try to thwart the work with various tactics, but the wall is finished with God’s blessings in time to observe the Feast of Tabernacles. Ezra reads the book of the law publicly, and the people of Judah rededicate themselves to following it. The book of Nehemiah begins with sadness and ends with singing and celebration.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

2 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 13 1Chronicles
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of 1Chronicles:

A genealogy traces God’s people from Adam to the kingdom years, with a focus on David’s family. The rest of the book covers much of the same material as 1 and 2 Samuel, with an emphasis on the life of David.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

1 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 38 Zechariah
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of Zechariah:

A contemporary of Haggai and Zerubbabel, Zechariah encourages the people of Jerusalem to finish the reconstruction of the temple, a work that has languished for about 15 years. Eight visions relate God’s continuing plan for His people. Judgment on Israel’s enemies is promised, along with God’s blessings on His chosen people. Several messianic prophecies are included, predicting the Messiah’s coming, His suffering, and His eventual conquering glory.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

0 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 10 2Samuel
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of 2Samuel:

David is crowned king by his tribesmen in Judah, and they make the city of Hebron the capital of Judah. After a brief civil war, all the tribes of Israel unite under the leadership of David, God’s choice. The capital is moved to Jerusalem. God makes a promise to David that a son of his will rule on the throne forever. David seeks to follow God’s will, and God blesses David with victories over foreign enemies. Sadly, David falls into the sin of adultery and tries to cover his sin by having the woman’s husband killed. God pronounces judgment on David’s house, and trouble begins. David’s daughter is raped by her half-brother, who is then killed by Absalom, another of David’s sons, in revenge. Absalom then plots to overthrow David and take the throne. He gains a following, and David and those loyal to him are forced to flee Jerusalem. Absalom is eventually killed in battle, and David returns home in sorrow. Near the end of his life, David disobeys God and takes a census of the people, a sin for which God sends judgment on the nation.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

0 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 4 Numbers
Read by David Suchet

Milestone subscribers: 1,000 :)

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!


5 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 6 Joshua
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of Joshua:

Moses’ successor, Joshua, leads the children of Israel across the Jordan River (parted miraculously by God) and into Canaan. God overthrows the city of Jericho by knocking its walls down. Joshua leads the people in a successful campaign to conquer the whole of Canaan. With a few exceptions, the Israelites remain faithful to their promise to keep their covenant with God, and God blesses them with military victories. After the land is subdued, the Israelites divide Canaan into separate territories, giving each of the tribes of Israel a lasting inheritance.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

0 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 15 Ezra
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of Ezra:

After 70 years of captivity in a foreign land, the people of Judah are allowed to return to their homeland to rebuild. A descendant of David named Zerubbabel, together with some priests, begins to rebuild the temple. Political opposition to the rebuilding forces a halt in construction for about 15 years. But then the work continues, encouraged by two prophets, Haggai and Zechariah. About 57 years after the temple is completed, Ezra the scribe arrives in Jerusalem, bringing with him about 2,000 people, including priests and Levites to serve in the temple. Ezra finds that the people living in Judah have lapsed into sin, and he calls the people to repentance and a return to the law of God.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

1 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 18 Job
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of Job:

A righteous man named Job suffers a series of terrible tragedies that take away his wealth, his family, and his health. Even after losing everything, Job does not curse God. Three friends come to commiserate with Job, but they eventually speak their minds about the situation, advancing the notion that God is punishing Job for some secret sin. Job denies any sinfulness on his part, yet in his pain he cries out to God for answers—he trusts God, but he also wants God to explain Himself. In the end, God shows up and overwhelms Job with His majesty, wisdom, and power. God restores Job’s fortune, health, and family, but the answer to why Job had suffered God never answers.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

1 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 11 1Kings
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of 1Kings:

King David dies. His son Solomon takes the throne, but his brother Adonijah challenges him for it. After repeated attempts to usurp authority from his brother, Adonijah is executed. King Solomon is blessed by God with great wisdom, riches, and honor. He oversees the building of the temple in Jerusalem and dedicates it to the Lord in a grand ceremony. Later in life, Solomon forsakes the path of righteousness and serves other gods. After Solomon’s death, his son Rehoboam takes the throne, but his foolish choices lead to a civil war, and the nation is fractured in two. Rehoboam remains king of the southern kingdom, and a man named Jeroboam is crowned king of the ten tribes to the north. Both kings practice idolatry. Through the years, David’s dynasty in the southern kingdom occasionally produces a godly king; most of the kings are wicked, however. The northern kingdom is led by an unbroken series of wicked rulers, including the idolatrous Ahab and his wife Jezebel, during whose reign God sends a drought to punish Israel, along with a mighty prophet, Elijah, to point the people back to God.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

1 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 20 Proverbs
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of Proverbs:

A collection of moral teachings and general observances about life, this book is directed to those in search of wisdom. Subjects include love, sex, marriage, money, work, children, anger, strife, thoughts, and words.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

1 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 41 Mark
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of Mark:

The ministry of Jesus Christ is presented from the point of view that Jesus is the Righteous Servant of God. Jesus obeys the Father’s will and accomplishes all He had been sent to do, including dying for sinners and rising again from the dead.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

1 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 47 2Corinthians
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of 2Corinthians:

The problems in the church in Corinth have for the most part been worked through, and Paul writes this letter to encourage them, to explain the love gift he is collecting for Judean Christians, and to defend his apostleship against critics who are speaking out against him.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

0 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 46 1Corinthians
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of 1Corinthians:

The church in Corinth is riddled with problems, and the apostle Paul writes to give them God’s instructions on how to deal with various issues, including sin and division in the church, marriage, idolatry, spiritual gifts, the future resurrection, and the conduct of public worship.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

1 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 5 Deuteronomy
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of Deuteronomy:

The new generation of Israelites is now ready to take possession of the Promised Land. Moses gives a series of final speeches, in which he reiterates the Law of God and promises that one day God will send another Prophet reminiscent of the power and mission of Moses. Moses dies in Moab.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

0 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 17 Esther
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of Esther:

Some exiled Jews have opted not to return to Jerusalem and have stayed in Persia instead. Xerxes, the king of Persia, chooses as his new queen a young woman named Esther. Esther is a Jewess, but she keeps her ethnicity secret at the behest of her cousin Mordecai, who has raised her. A high-ranking official in the kingdom, a man named Haman, plots a genocide against all the Jews in the kingdom, and he receives the king’s permission to carry out his plan—neither he nor the king knowing that the queen is Jewish. Through a series of divinely directed, perfectly timed events, Haman is killed, Mordecai is honored, and the Jews are spared, with Queen Esther being instrumental in it all.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

0 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 48 Galatians
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of Galatians:

False teachers have infiltrated the churches in Galatia, falsely suggesting that works of the law (specifically circumcision) must be added to faith in Christ in order for salvation to be real. In no uncertain terms, Paul condemns the mixture of law and grace, showing that salvation and sanctification are all of grace. Christ’s salvation has set us free. We rely on the Spirit’s work, not our own.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

2 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 43 John
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of John:

he ministry of Jesus Christ is presented from the point of view that Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus speaks at length of His nature and work and the necessity of faith, and He proves that He is the Son of God through a series of public miracles. He is crucified and rises again.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

2 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 09 1Samuel
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of 1Samuel:

In answer to prayer, Samuel is born to a barren woman, who then dedicates her young son to the tabernacle. Samuel is raised by the judge and high priest, Eli. Early on, Samuel begins to receive messages from God and becomes known as a prophet. After Eli’s death, Samuel becomes Israel’s final judge. The people demand a king to make them more like other nations. Samuel advises against it, but the Lord directs Samuel to grant their request. Samuel anoints Saul as the first king. Saul starts out well, but he soon begins to act in pride and ignore God’s commands. God rejects Saul as king and instructs Samuel to anoint another person to take Saul’s place: that person is David, chosen while still a youth. David becomes famous in Israel for slaying the Philistine warrior Goliath, and Saul grows jealous to the point of madness. The king begins to pursue David, whose life is in constant danger as he takes refuge in the wilderness. Men loyal to David gather to him. Samuel dies, and, later, Saul and his sons are killed in a battle with the Philistines.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

0 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 24 Jeremiah
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of Jeremiah:

Jeremiah, living during the time of the Babylonian invasion of Judah, prophesies Babylon’s victory over Judah, a message that brings him much grief from the proud kings and false prophets in Jerusalem. Continually calling God’s people to repent, Jeremiah is regularly ignored and even persecuted. Through Jeremiah, God promises that He will one day establish a new covenant with Israel. The prophet lives to see the fall of Jerusalem and predicts that the people’s captivity in Babylon will last 70 years.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

1 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 40 Matthew
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of Matthew:

The ministry of Jesus Christ is presented from the point of view that Jesus is the Son of David and thus the rightful king to rule from Israel’s throne. Jesus offers the kingdom to His people, but Israel rejects Him as their king and crucifies Him. Jesus rises again and sends His disciples into all the world to proclaim His teaching.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

0 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 26 Ezekiel
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of Ezekiel:

This is a book of prophecies written in Babylon by Ezekiel, a priest-turned-prophet. Ezekiel deals with the cause of God’s judgment against Judah, which is idolatry and the dishonor Judah had brought upon God’s name. Ezekiel also writes of judgment against other nations, such as Edom, Ammon, Egypt, and Philistia, and against the city of Tyre. Ezekiel then promises a miraculous restoration of God’s people to their land, the reconstruction of the temple, and God’s rule over all the nations of the earth.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

0 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 42 Luke
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of Luke:

The ministry of Jesus Christ is presented from the point of view that Jesus is the Son of Man who came to save the whole world. Jesus shows the love of God to all classes of people, regardless of race or gender. He is unjustly betrayed, arrested, and murdered, but He rises again.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

0 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 1 Genesis
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of Genesis:

God creates the universe and fashions humans in His own image and places them in a perfect environment. The humans rebel against God and lose their paradise. The rebellion gets so bad that God wipes out humanity with a flood, but He graciously preserves Noah and his family. Later, God chooses and blesses the family of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (or Israel) and promises them a land for their many descendants. Through this family God plans to bring a Savior to reconcile the sinful world to Himself.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

1 Views · 11 months ago

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John - the first four books of the New Testament known as the Gospels, narrated by Poirot actor, David Suchet.

The New International Version is the world's most popular modern English Bible translation. Developed by Biblica, formerly the International Bible Society, the New International Version is the result of years of work by the Committee on Bible Translation, overseeing the efforts of many contributing scholars. The translators are drawn from a wide range of denominations and from various countries and they continually review new research in order to ensure the NIV remains at the forefront of accessibility, relevance and authority.

I do not own this audiobook and have no right to the copyright: monetisation is disabled and this is for a non-profit cause: the spreading of the Bible.

0 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 2 Exodus
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of Exodus:

The children of Israel, now living in Egypt, are forced into slavery. God prepares an Israelite named Moses to lead the people to freedom. The king is loath to let the slaves go, so God sends a series of plagues upon the Egyptians. Moses leads the Israelites through the Red Sea, which God miraculously parts for them, and to Mt. Sinai. Camped at Sinai, the Israelites receive the Law of God, including the Ten Commandments. The Law is the basis of a covenant between God and people He has rescued, with promised blessings for obedience. The people promise to uphold the covenant.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

1 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 19 Psalms
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of Psalms:

This collection of songs includes praise to the Lord, cries of the needy, worshipful adoration, laments, thanksgiving, prophecy, and the full spectrum of human emotion. Some of the songs were written for specific occasions, such as traveling to the temple or crowning a new king.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

1 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 49 Ephesians
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of Ephesians:

Salvation comes by grace through faith in Christ, and not by our own works. The life Jesus gives, to Jew and Gentile alike, results in a new heart and a new walk in this world. The church is the Body of Christ, and marriage is a picture of Christ and the church. God has provided spiritual armor to wage spiritual battle.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

2 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 58 Hebrews
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of Hebrews:

There are Jewish members of the church who are tempted to return to the Jewish law. The author of this epistle urges them not to look back but to move on to full spiritual maturity, by faith. Jesus Christ is better than angels and better than Moses, and He has provided a better sacrifice, a better priesthood, and a better covenant than anything in the Old Testament. Having left Egypt, we must enter the Promised Land, not continue to wander aimlessly in the wilderness.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

0 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 27 Daniel
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of Daniel:

As a young man, Daniel is taken captive to Babylon, but he and three friends remain steadfast to the Lord’s commands, and God blesses them with honor and high rank in the Babylonian Empire. They have enemies, though: Daniel’s three friends are thrown into a fiery furnace, and Daniel into a den of lions, but God preserves their lives in each case and bestows even more honor upon them. Daniel survives the overthrow of Babylon and continues prophesying into the time of the Persian Empire. Daniel’s prophecies are far-reaching, accurately predicting the rise and fall of many nations and the coming rule of God’s chosen king, the Messiah.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

2 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 23 Isaiah
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of Isaiah:

Isaiah is called as a prophet in Judah and brings God’s messages to several kings. God proclaims judgment against Judah for their religious hypocrisy. The prophet then delivers messages of warning to other nations, including Assyria, Babylon, Moab, Syria, and Ethiopia. For all of God’s anger against His people in Judah, He miraculously saves Jerusalem from an attack by the Assyrians. Isaiah predicts the fall of Judah at the hands of Babylon, but he also promises a restoration to their land. Isaiah looks even farther ahead to the promised Messiah, who will be born of a virgin, be rejected by His people, and be killed in the process of bearing their iniquities—yet the Messiah, God’s righteous Servant, will also rule the world from Jerusalem in a kingdom of peace and prosperity.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

2 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 66 Revelation
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of Revelation:

Jesus is the Lord of the church, and He knows the condition of each local body of believers. The end times will be marked by an increase in wickedness, the rise of the Antichrist’s one-world government, and the fury of Satan against God’s people on earth. God pours out His wrath on a rebellious and unrepentant world in a series of judgments that steadily increase in severity. Finally, the Lamb of God returns to earth with the armies of heaven, defeating the forces of evil arrayed against Him and setting up His kingdom of peace. Satan, the Antichrist, and the wicked of every age are thrown into the lake of fire, while the followers of Christ inherit a new heaven and new earth.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

0 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 45 Romans
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of Romans:

This theological treatise, written by Paul on one of his missionary journeys, examines the righteousness of God and how God can declare guilty sinners to be righteous based on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Having been justified by faith, believers live in holiness before the world.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!

2 Views · 11 months ago

The Complete Holy Bible - NIVUK Audio Bible - 44 Acts
Read by David Suchet

Quick Summary of the book of Acts:

This sequel to the life of Christ follows the ministry of the apostles following Jesus’ ascension. The Holy Spirit arrives to fill and empower Jesus’ followers, who begin to preach the gospel in the midst of mounting persecution. Paul, a former enemy of the Christians, is converted and called by Christ as an apostle. The church begins in Jerusalem, expands to Samaria, and spreads to the Roman world.

May the Lord bless you as you listen to his word :)
Have a blessed day!